seasonology: BONUS spring & waxing moon card spread
a spring catch up & inspiring questions to ask yourself
Spring, you’ve been interesting this year, thrown off kilter by winter perhaps, not sure how to follow such an unusual start to the year. You brought early warmth yet you leave us cool and slow just as we crave for you to hurl us into the bright passion of summer.
And still, no matter, we see the growth beginning, the foundations laid for all that comes next. And we are ready!
Spring / waxing moon spread:
Now that all the spring Seasonology cards are now in your inbox maybe you’d enjoy a card spread… of course you can use this spread with all the cards in the deck, not just spring, and with any other deck you have, whether that’s oracle or tarot.
If you’d like to use these cards before they’re printed, why not write each onto a piece of paper and pull them out of a hat - or use this fun little wheel I made just for you. Simply click the link, focus on each question in turn and spin the wheel to select the card for that prompt.
You can read the guidebook entry for each card just here…
Promise: on allowing it all to unfold
Trust: on letting go of tension and embracing trust
Be inspired: on responding to the world around you
Clarity: on knowing what’s right for you
Dream: roller boots and the on/off dreaming switch
Create: on being a creative, yes you, even if you’re not an artist
Map-maker: on setting yourself up for success
Plant the seed: on being clear in your intentions
Spark: in case you need a nudge to get going!
Emerge: because the world needs your light
Spring is a time that matches the energy of the waxing moon, it’s a planning, dreaming and scheming time, ready for the exuberant action of Summer.
What should I focus on to support my growth?
What new opportunities are emerging for me?
What aligned actions can I take now?
What inner strengths can I draw on to move towards my goals?
Please do share your cards if that feels good ❤️
I’ll see you back here in summer!
With love
Sarah xx