“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road with take you there.”
Lewis Carroll
It’s nice to wander. In fact I often spend Sundays doing just that. Moving from one thing to another, nothing in particular in mind, simply letting my sacral guide me to the next thing, and the next. It’s fun to see where I end up and what I’ve spent my time doing… it’s never what I expected!
Yet if I spend my weekdays drifting it ends in frustration - why didn’t I get my to-do list actually done? Why didn’t I send that email, write that proposal, get the dog walked before lunch?
Honestly, this is one of my personal development areas for 2024, to set clear intentions for how I use my time. I know I’m out of alignment as a Generator if I’m frustrated so it makes no sense for me to put myself in the way of feeling like that… and setting myself up for a satisfying day makes so much more sense.
I wonder, do you wander? Or do you set clear intentions, planting the seed for successful, satisfying days?
From Seasonology
The rest is over, the planning is done. Next comes the season of action, so be clear now, what is the seed? What is it that you want to create?
Setting a clear intention as you set off into the energy of summer will ensure you create just what is right for you.
What is it that you want to grow?
Without this clarity you are simply shooting a bent arrow at a blurry target, no doubt it will land somewhere, but you can guarantee it won’t land where you want it to.
What do you need to do now to shoot the arrow straight and tell the universe your clear desires?
Share your thoughts in the comments if it feels safe to do so, or you are so welcome to reply directly into my email inbox ❤️
Sending love
Sarah xx