Of course, you don’t always need a map before you set out.
This is about the times that you really do.
I like to think I know the difference, but then I think back to all the times I went to the garden centre without a plan and came home with impulsive purchases that don’t quite work in my garden and definitely won’t survive the harsh winds up on these hills.
Or the times I hurled myself at a new ‘productivity’ app for my content planning, spending hours copying in all my notes, only to find it doesn’t have the features I need and it’s irritating to use.
I’ve got more examples and I know you have too.
So much time and energy wasted.
I mean, sure, we could say that time and energy weren’t wasted, it was all good learning, but still…
A bit of planning, and research, would have gone a long way to getting quicker results and that added bonus of a confidence boost along the way!
How do you know when to be impulsive, and when to make a clear map?
Side note: through the lens of Human Design some of us might find we naturally make quicker decisions than others, for example non-emotional Manifestors, Generators with Sacral Authority, or Splenic Projectors - knowing how you’re designed and understanding your natural tendencies can be very useful!
From Seasonology:
Setting off at high speed, full of wonderful spring energy, might feel like just what you need after the long winter rest! But haring off without knowing where you’re going could lead to frustration, bitterness or disappointment.
Instead, use that energy to create a map to get you to where you want to be next… thinking about what steps you will need to take, what resources do you need to find, and who will support you.
🌟 What would you do if you knew it would work?
🌟 What patterns need taming?
When overdone: all you do is plan! And research, and think, and plan some more. Beware that you don’t become stuck in the safety of planning; you need action too.
When underdone: you feel adrift and days are unfulfilling as nothing seems to happen.
In balance: you’re clear on what you’re doing, the plan is flexible to accommodate the inevitable stuff that life throws up and you’re ready to get started.
Share your thoughts in the comments if it feels safe to do so, or you are so welcome to reply directly into my email inbox ❤️
Sending love
Sarah xx