Feb 28Liked by Sarah Lynas

I so relate to this! A huge motivation for my portraits was exactly this; I knew how deeply painful it can be to feel unseen, unheard, so I wanted to make damn sure that others don't feel thay way. That I see them, that I hear them.

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Oh wow! So yes I can see how deeply you’re called to your work Tamzin, we need people like you!! Where are you based by the way?

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Feb 29Liked by Sarah Lynas

I'm Irish, currently in Austria, moving somewhere new this year actually. I mostly work online/remotely, but nothing beats the in-person connection!

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You’re so right, and I guess especially what you do with the portraits… so if you ever make it to the UK, do look me up, I’m in the sunny north west corner ☀️ and all about connecting!

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Mar 1Liked by Sarah Lynas

I actually thought at first that they wouldn't be possible remotely, but so far they've gone really well and all the better if I can travel to someone. If you would ever like to connect further, just send me an email for zoom coffee chat! I'm also hosting group gatherings from April onwards for subscribers because that putting-faces-to-names is so lovely!

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Oh yes definitely, I'll send you an email just now lovely, it would be great to grab a coffee! In fact, I might just DM you now we have a new option to play with :)

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The part I resonate with is about tuning back into my purpose. I get very driven when it comes to trying to grow my business. Its been very challenging at times, especially as I can't afford to gove up the day job but when I come back to why I do it, even if I feel rock bottom I feel more open and aligned with what's really important. Thanks for articulating it. This topic has been very much on my mind.

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You’re so welcome Claire, we need that connection to purpose. If you’ve read Lost Connections you’ll know it’s one of the connections we need to retain good mental health. It would be interesting to look at your purpose through the lens of human design, I’m always amazed (I shouldn’t be by now!) how people’s design mirrors what they’re drawn to and is such a great permission slip to keep doing it, as well as to do it in the right way energetically!

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Beautiful said..🙏🤍

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Thank you Neha, it sounds this resonates for you - I’m so glad, making these connections is what I’m here for 💚

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Beautiful thoughts always resonate with 🤍

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