Loved this read 🙌 and I hope you’re feeling better... I’ve also started the year battling my physical self so still trying to lean into what word feels right for me this year!

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Ahh thank you 🙏 it’s a tough time of year! Cold, busy, and then we stop, pick up bugs or whatever... do look after yourself hey? Your word will show up I’m sure; is there something that keeps nudging at you?

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Thank you 🙏 it’s been really tough... sick mum, sick kids, bit of a failed holiday kickstart to be honest. The words that keep coming up are presence and surrender. I’m not very good at just accepting that sometimes life gets in the way and my expectations aren’t met

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Oh crikey, you've been through it haven't you? I think surrender really is the way, and it's not a failed anything love, just different to what you expected. I bet you put your all into looking after everyone and making sure they were all nurtured. That's all part of the journey - I listened to something today about accepting what is and how it can be so freeing, and at the same time can help everything to lift as the universe sees your grace in the surrender ie, you're taking the lesson on board, what ever that lesson is (that was the gist of it anyway!) Be gentle xx

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I love little moments of synchronicity like that. It really does feel like you are being gently guided and encouraged in the right direction

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It’s beautiful isn’t it? Little signposts along the path, mini cheerleaders encouraging us in the right direction.... ✨

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Love your word. I hope you aren’t in too much pain now and that all heals gently for you. Xx

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Thank you lovely, and yes it’s healing slowly, I think so much realignment this year, mentally and physically, has been the cause and maybe this was the final ‘click’ ?! Have you a word / energy for the year / month ahead? Xx

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Ergh the body always has something to teach us doesn’t it?!? Glad it’s gently healing. Yes... I have three words... Simplicity, Strength and Serenity ❤️

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Oh for sure... acceptance I think is the key 🥰

I LOVE your words! Very you. Your new look Substack looks awesome too btw, and I resonate so much with the 'holding space' - perfect :)

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Ahhhh thank you so much for that reflection m. Means the world xxx

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It's all true hon! ❤️

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