
So, I discovered I was a generator a few years ago and didnā€™t understand it at all! Then two years ago I rediscovered HD and had a strong sacral pull to do a deep dive, although I didnā€™t know thatā€™s what it was at the start. I just kept following the breadcrumbs (the sacral yesā€™s) to where I am now, fully trained in human design!

The deeper I got the more I knew it had to be something I shared with the world, and the energy it gives me to coach with HD is off the charts! I feel fully lit up by it, like HD is in my bones, shining out!

I love the simplicity of my sacral response.

I donā€™t like the frustration I feel when Iā€™m out of alignmentā€¦ but itā€™s a great clue to shift something.

Iā€™m a single definition generator so my energy moves fast, and I only have 3 defined centres, all of them ā€œunconsciousā€ which means I feel a lot of other peopleā€™s energy, for a long time I didnā€™t know what was mine vs theirs. Figuring this out has been game changing.

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Hey Sarah I discovered I was a 1/3 Generator with emotional authority about four years ago. I find the whole wait to respond approach helpful because my conditioning is to be switched ā€˜onā€™ all the time. My inner boundaries are strengthening day by day. Although itā€™s still challenging for me and requires a certain amount of trust. Iā€™ve been feeling out of alignment (frustrated) for a while now and recently took the bold decision to start a Substack, finish my book and get a part time job. Social media I became too noisy and it feels different here. It brought me freedom, and now Iā€™m taking each day as it comes to follow the bread crumbs. Lovely to meet you here. I found you on here via Claire Venus āœØ

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Hey Lisa! Welcome and so lovely to connect with you šŸ©µ it sounds like following your sacral breadcrumbs is working well for you?!

Substack really is different, and maybe itā€™s giving you the right things to respond to instead of too muchā€¦ socials can definitely be too much.

Keep trusting yourself, youā€™ve got this! šŸ™ŒāœØ

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Thank you šŸ‘šŸ˜˜

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Hi Sarah! Thank you for this chat!

Earlier this year I found out I was a Generator. I feel like my whole life I was raised as and pushed into the Manifestor role. I was a singer and theater kid who was steered into law school, hated being a lawyer, and am now a professor and writer, which makes much more sense for me. If I am intuitively and sacrally inspired by a project, I will work tirelessly and passionately, but I will procrastinate and dread the obligatory jobs that pay the bills!

My biggest challenge with being a Generator is letting go and trusting and seeing what will come of things. As I said, I was not raised that way, educated that way, or ever rewarded for that kind of mindset. I feel anxiety just thinking about it! šŸ˜…

Working with tarot is helping me get better at that sacral flow and universal trust. Following those as yet inexplicable bread crumbs as you say. It can be quite magical and fun (if we let go and allow it to be!). šŸ©·

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Hey Annie! Wow, yes, thereā€™s a lot of pushing for everyone to be Manifestors right? Itā€™s a real challenge to then let go and trust, as you sayā€¦ and it sounds like youā€™re finding some of the right things now, using the tarot is a great idea. I do use it a bit, just dipping my toe in really but starting to see how it can be a great support.

Are you sacral or emotional in your authority? ā¤ļø

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Iā€™m not sure! šŸ˜… My quiz said Iā€™m a ā€œSacral Generator.ā€ Is that different from Emotional Generator? I have so much to learn.

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Ah yes so you have Sacral authority - yes an Emotional Generator is a little different as they have Emotional authority :) There's so much to learn indeed and that's why I'm here šŸ™Œ it's such a joy to guide people to their designs and see the empowerment it brings!

You can read more about the different authorities here https://quietlycourageous.substack.com/p/human-design-the-7-authorities - Sacral is a very simple authority, all about listening to what the sacral is saying, either yes or no, and then NOT overriding that with logic šŸ˜‚ because that's a sure path to burnout, ask me how I know šŸ˜˜

Do you recognise the pull forward or the retraction of the sacral Annie?

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Literally writing a newsletter about my current burnout as we speak! šŸ˜­ Can't wait to read this - thank you Sarah! Martha Beck wrote about something that sounds a lot like sacral authority. She suggests that when we are feeling indecisive or lost, to ask if a situation, person, career path, whatever makes us feel like we have shackles on (bad sign) or like we have shackles finally coming off (good sign). My first reaction was OH COME ON SURELY IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!? But maybe it kind of is....? ā£ļø

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It is that simple for you, and me, with sacral authority! Thatā€™s around 30% of usā€¦

For others less soā€¦ depending on their authorityā€¦ but then thereā€™s a lot of catch-all advice that, once we find HD, we realise isnā€™t catching us all after all!

So yes, for you, simply allowing your sacral to respond - yes or no - to the world, is how youā€™ll find the right breadcrumbs for your journey šŸ™Œ

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